Monday, September 06, 2010

The Transcendentalist

Another wine label project for Sans Liege, in the Renaissance woodcut style. This wine label design would be going onto a magnum-size bottle. Something new for me.

After brainstorming with the client, we decided on a label design. This was the "very rough" sketch. This drawing was meant to get the basic elements of the design organized and put roughly into position.

Then I did a more finished preliminary sketch in pencil. I attempted to implement the look that we were going for. The client wanted the hands to look like those of a seasoned vineyard worker... old and worn. This sketch helped the client get a feel for what the finished piece would look like.

After some revision, here is the finished ink drawing. This wasn't the version we ended up using though. The decision was made that the whole design needed to be darker to achieve the heavier, emotional feel that we wanted. So, I went back to work on it again...

This is what we ended up with. More shadow areas and more detail was added. This was the version that went on the wine label.

5x10 ink on bristol

Wine label illustration for Sans Liege Winery, California.

Here is a picture of the finished bottle.

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